The Well-being Marketplace

Platform for private lessons, treatments, group classes, workshops, and events.

The Well-being Marketplace


With Flowmingo, you can explore a variety of mind, body & soul-nourishing experiences online

The platform is the perfect solution for people passionate about self-discovery, light exercises, and overall mind and body wellness. Users can view video lessons on yoga, meditation, and pilates, schedule online appointments with a trainer, participate in events, and pay for instructor services.


Nashville, US


Business Services

Team size

10 people

Partnership period

2022 - ongoing

Client background

Our client positions itself as a social enterprise and central online marketplace dedicated to well-being. She helps small businesses and their practitioners recover from the Coronavirus recession and thrive in 2022 by making it easy and affordable to market offerings, manage bookings and receive payments worldwide.

Business challenge

The main goal of our team was to create a website that would help our client build a successful and sustainable business aligned with their client's values and mission. Another goal was to attract a target audience looking for wellness-related products and services through the product we created. In addition, we needed to improve the login process to make it easier for users to create a login if they wanted to place an order faster, add donation features and improve payment processing for a better experience with the platform.

The solution

Our hard work results in an easy-to-use website with a set of client-focused elements. It includes essential features such as an easy and fast login process, easy scheduling and transfer of meetings for clients and coaches, easy connection to live sessions via Google Meet and Zoom, and an attractive design following basic UI/UX principles. The entire process was focused on creating a product that would allow our client to build a strong brand that would resonate with the target audience. The results were achieved using Ionic and Vue.js technologies on the front-end side and Laravel on the back-end side.

Easy to navigate

Smooth scheduling process

Simplified purchase procedure

We worked on

UX/UI Design

Web Development

Quality Assurance

Project Management

Technologies used














The created platform has a clean, minimalistic design that prioritizes functionality and ease of use. The home page showcases the benefits of well-being services and provides a clear call to action. The color scheme is soothing and calming, with a neutral palette of whites, blues, oranges, and pastels. The selected set of elements and colors helps to create a sense of tranquility and relaxation, which is essential for a website that provides well-being services.

Sign Up

The authorization process is like the first impression of the site. The faster and easier this process is, the more the user will want to continue their journey through the site. That's why we paid a lot of attention to the functionality of this section, namely, entering personal data and confirming their entry.

Appointment creation

To become a participant in group classes or join like-minded people at the nearest event in the chosen direction - the user needs to make a few simple steps on the site. Fill out the form with information about the time and place, select the type of event and trainer, fill in additional information fields to be filled out and look forward to the event itself.


The payment system includes payment functions for services such as group classes with a trainer, individual classes, and participating in events scheduled in the near future. It includes the entry of personal and payment data and confirmation of payment for the service, including tax. The platform also offers several payment options, allowing users to choose the most convenient one.


The full functional set of the site includes such features as convenient and quick registration, search for classes and events of interest, review questionnaires of each trainer to decide on his choice, video training online, viewing the schedule of upcoming events, scheduling classes through a calendar with the ability to view free dates. There is also an opportunity for individual businesses to register as those who provide their services, to conduct online and offline meetings, and to receive wages through the payment system connected to the site. All the collected features are one large-scale business system aimed at improving each user's well-being and promoting our client's brand among their target audience.


Our success stories in tandem
with satisfied clients.

Innovative Financial CRM System

A platform for venture capital fund relationships and collaboration

Sports events platform

A platform for amateur sports clubs to connect and organize tournaments

Video Management Server

Provides broadcast from home and office video cameras in real time

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