Redefining Clinical Data Monitoring

Web-based monitoring tool for clinical data

Redefining Clinical Data Monitoring


Enhancing the Healthcare through comprehensive data management

With a commitment to enhancing clinical data monitoring, this project aims to simplify the monitoring and management of essential patient information. This advanced tool offers real-time data monitoring, combined with access to past data, enabling specialists to analyze participants' health dynamics and forecast potential changes. With an event-driven notification system, the tool ensures critical events trigger alerts, allowing specialists to respond swiftly.




Life Sciences & Healthcare

Team size


Partnership period

2023 - Ongoing

Client background

With a commitment to enhancing clinical data monitoring, this project aims to simplify the monitoring and management of essential patient information. This advanced tool offers real-time data monitoring, combined with access to past data, enabling specialists to analyze participants' health dynamics and forecast potential changes. With an event-driven notification system, the tool ensures critical events trigger alerts, allowing specialists to respond swiftly.

Business challenge

Inasmuch as patient data certainly demanded the utmost confidentiality in handling and processing, our primary challenge was to develop a web-based monitoring tool for clinical data while ensuring rigorous info security and scalability. Scalability was equally critical to accommodate the tool usage across multiple clinical trials and facilitate future growth. Furthermore, creating a user-friendly interface was pivotal to provide specialists with an intuitive navigation system, enhancing data analysis.

The solution

The solution commences with the creation of an interactive dashboard and powerful data visualization tools. They provide specialists with a seamless and intuitive platform for rapid data analysis. Diving deeper, we designed sections dedicated to detailed information about clinical trials and data for each participant. Next, we turned the design concepts into a reality, then seamlessly integrated the tool with the existing backend through robust APIs, ensuring a continuous flow of data and real-time updates. To preserve the integrity of sensitive patient data, we implemented multi-factor authentication and advanced data encryption. This improvement not only restricted unauthorized access but also ensured that data remained secure and confidential.

Powerful data visualization tools

Multi-factor auth and robust data encryption

Enhancing clinical data monitoring

We worked on

UX/UI Design

Web Development

Quality Assurance

Project Management

Technologies used






RTK Query




Development Process

The development of this project required a masterful application of contemporary technologies, exemplifying our team's technical expertise. The foundation of this dynamic platform rests on the pillars of React and React Router, which were meticulously employed to ensure seamless navigation and responsiveness. TypeScript enhanced the project with its type-checking capabilities, enhancing reliability.

Part 1

Within the area of user interface design, Material-UI emerged as a vital component. Its versatile set of pre-built components and an elegant design system allowed us to create an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing user interface. Meanwhile, RTK Query, in combination with WebSockets, enabled the establishment of a robust and real-time data exchange mechanism. The integration of React-Error-Boundary ensured that potential issues were addressed effectively, minimizing disruptions to the user experience.

Part 2

Our toolkit extended to include React-Dropzone, which facilitates efficient file uploads, and React-Toastify for informative notifications. The integration of React-Icomoon seamlessly incorporated custom icons into the application, further enhancing the visual appeal. Day.js brought time-related functionalities to life, while React-Hook-Form, managed by Hookform/Resolvers and Yup, streamlined form handling and validation, ensuring data integrity.

Part 3

To meet the critical need for real-time notifications and vital information display within the app, we implemented a specialized notifications functionality. This feature ensures that specific, real-time notifications are appropriately displayed. These notifications serve to alert users when critical issues are detected during the clinical trial, such as when a recent reading is outside the acceptable range or if there have been communication issues. When a clinical trial is active, the dashboard displays participant cards featuring essential information, including subject numbers, the latest CGM readings, toggles to change units (mg/dL to mmol/L and vice versa), and the insulin trend presented as an arrow.



This project exemplifies the potential of collaboration between a visionary client and a dedicated team of professionals. It showcases our ability to adapt and overcome challenges, embrace innovation, and deliver solutions that stand on the cutting edge of healthcare technology.


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