Redefining Clinical Data Monitoring

Web-based monitoring tool for clinical data

Redefining Clinical Data Monitoring


Enhancing the Healthcare through comprehensive data management

This system is designed to revolutionize clinical data monitoring by providing a seamless, web-based solution for tracking and managing patient information. It simplifies the process for healthcare professionals by offering real-time access to critical data and historical records, enabling them to make informed decisions with greater speed and accuracy. The platform's intuitive interface allows users to analyze patient health trends, forecast potential issues, and deal with them proactively. A dynamic, event-driven notification software also ensures immediate alerts for critical situations, allowing for rapid responses and improved patient outcomes.




Life Sciences & Healthcare

Team size


Partnership period

2023 - Ongoing

Client background

Our client, a prominent player in the healthcare sector, wanted a cutting-edge tool to elevate the monitoring process of clinical trials. The goal was to create a web-based system that provides real-time access to participants’ data, including insights gathered from remotely connected therapy devices. Client was also looking to enhance data security, given the confidential nature of clinical information, while implementing a user-friendly interface to help clinical specialists navigate the system with ease. Therefore, it was especially important for them that the entire project was handled by one team from one company.

Business challenge

One of the most significant challenges we faced was ensuring the highest level of security for patient data while developing a scalable, intuitive solution. Confidentiality is paramount in handling healthcare information, so we had to design a platform with robust encryption methods and multi-factor authentication. Scalability was another key concern, as the tool needed to function across multiple trials simultaneously, all while providing a seamless user experience. The interface also had to be as user-friendly as possible to ensure that specialists could easily access and analyze the data without unnecessary complications. This required close collaboration between our design and development teams to ensure both aesthetic and functional excellence.

The solution

To meet the client’s needs, we designed a dynamic, feature-rich platform that combined advanced data visualization with real-time patient monitoring for rapid data analysis. Each tool section is related to detailed participant data and trial-specific information, allowing users to access the right information at the right time. The seamless collaboration of our UI/UX design and development teams ensured the design concepts were translated into a fully functional product. The tool was integrated with existing backend systems using robust APIs, facilitating real-time updates and continuous data flow. We also embedded advanced security features, including multi-factor authentication and end-to-end data encryption, to ensure the confidentiality of patient data. By leveraging these technologies, we could restrict unauthorized access and build trust in the platform’s security protocols. A vital aspect of the solution was implementing an event-driven notification system. When incorrect diagnostic data or potential system issues are detected, the tool immediately notifies the relevant specialists, enabling timely responses that can be crucial in a clinical setting.

Powerful data visualization tools

Multi-factor auth and robust data encryption

User-friendly UI/UX design

We worked on

UX/UI Design

Web Development

Quality Assurance

Project Management

Technologies used






RTK Query




Development Process

The development of this project required a masterful application of contemporary technologies and close collaboration of our UI/UX design and development teams. The constant feedback loop between designers and developers, joint problem-solving, and real-time updates to ensure feasibility were fundamental to creating a user-friendly and technically robust product. We utilized cutting-edge technologies to ensure the system is reliable, scalable, and easy to use. The platform’s core was built using React and React Router, providing smooth, responsive navigation. We also used TypeScript for its advanced type-checking capabilities, ensuring a high level of reliability and reducing the chance of runtime errors. In the design phase, we used Figma to create a sleek, intuitive interface, while Material-UI's versatile set of pre-built components was essential in helping us develop a consistent design system that provided an optimal user experience.

Real-time data exchange

For the data exchange functionality, we used RTK Query combined with WebSockets to create a robust and real-time data streaming environment. This architecture allowed for immediate clinical data updates as new information was gathered, ensuring that specialists always had the most current data at their fingertips. Additionally, the integration of React-Error-Boundary improved the platform’s stability by effectively handling unexpected errors and preventing interruptions in the user experience. This feature was crucial in clinical settings, where even a minor disruption could have significant consequences.

File upload and form management

Our toolkit extended to include React-Dropzone for streamlined file uploads, ensuring the smooth handling of clinical documents. The integration of React-Icomoon seamlessly incorporated custom icons into the application, further enhancing the visual appeal. Day.js brought time-related functionalities to life, while React-Hook-Form, managed by Hookform/Resolvers and Yup, streamlined form handling and validation. This process reduced errors and enhanced data integrity across the platform.

Custom notifications and critical alerts

To meet the critical need for real-time notifications and vital information display within the app, we implemented a specialized notifications functionality. This feature ensures that specific, real-time notifications are appropriately displayed. These notifications serve to alert users when critical issues are detected during the clinical trial, such as when a recent reading is outside the acceptable range or if there have been communication issues. When a clinical trial is active, the dashboard displays participant cards featuring essential information, including subject numbers, the latest CGM readings, toggles to change units (mg/dL to mmol/L and vice versa), and the insulin trend presented as an arrow.



This project stands as a testament to our team's ability to deliver innovative, secure, and user-friendly solutions for complex challenges in the healthcare sector. Our dual role in full cycle development fostered seamless communication and efficient project progression, ensuring the end product was both functional and visually optimized. By combining robust security protocols, real-time data management, and intuitive design, we delivered a system that redefines how clinical trials are conducted, setting a new standard in healthcare technology. Through innovation, collaboration, and technical expertise, we successfully overcame the challenges of this project and provide specialists with the tools they need to improve patient outcomes and drive the future of clinical trials forward. If you need a healthcare platform that is secure, scalable, and designed to meet your unique business needs, we're here to help. Contact us today to discuss how we can bring your project to life with expert UI/UX design and cutting-edge technology. Let's collaborate to create solutions that make a difference!


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